Do You Want a Tabletop Artificial Christmas Tree?


The tabletop design is one of the home’s most versatile artificial Christmas trees. If you have not considered having one or two, you will be amazed at the wow factor you can create this coming holiday. In addition, the tree is a breeze to set up, takedown, and decorate.

The Tabletop Christmas Tree

It is a small artificial Christmas tree you can tuck into any part of your living space. For the most part, the tree is the top section of a tree sapling with branches ideal for decorating. Hence, it adds loads of Christmas cheer to a room to make it festive.

You may wonder why invest in tabletop trees for Christmas. Well, you will love this tree as much as your regular-sized one. The tree will become the iconic centerpiece in your décor as they are small to work with.

Now, the other question will you need more than one? Again, the answer is if you live in a small apartment, no, as this tree will fit on a tabletop comfortably to bring festive spirits to the home. However, if you live in a traditional home, you can have more than one in the living space.

Your big-sized tree will look great in the living room, while the smaller tabletop Christmas tree adds color to your bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, and more. Of course, you can place on in the guestroom as well.

Furthermore, you need not use any decorations except for fairy lights and a topper. Another great thing about these artificial Christmas trees is that you need not water them. As a result, the tree is not messy messing with needles, and the setup is a breeze.

Even the branches can hold heavy ornament if you decide to add some, and you can find some pre-lit with battery-operated timers.

With or Without Lights

With lights, you create magic in your home when it comes to Christmas trees, even if they are small. Still, you can use one with ribbons as a centerpiece on the dinner table as you can buy them in vast shapes and sizes.

The standard tabletop size is three to four feet tall. Hence, the size is manageable to decorate and place wherever you want. You can place them on a side table, coffee table, kitchen counter, or sideboard. Then, you can tuck it away in a small corner to add festive color.

What to Put Your Tree In

You can add the tree to something that works with your décor as they are versatile and used in any space. For example, you can place it in a huge basket or a burlap base. The choices are endless decorative buckets, painted pots, standing in a decorative urn, a box with Christmas wrapping around it, and more.

Decorating Your Tree

The fun part is to decorate your artificial Christmas trees. You can add loads of ornaments, gleaming like balls. We recommend using medium to small-sized decorations to not add weight to the branches. You can group tiny ornaments together to make it look festive. Then add pinecones, berries, sticks, twigs, fluff, brambles, and garland to ribbons with a tree topper.