Best alternatives to slim artificial Christmas trees

tree near fireplace

Realistic and Lush Alternative Christmas Trees

If you’re looking for a slim artificial Christmas tree, there are plenty of options out there. It’s important to remember that the width of your tree is only one factor in determining how it will look in your living room or family room.

Here are some of our favorite alternatives to slim artificial Christmas trees

1. Pinecones

Real pinecones are a great option for people who want something natural, but don’t want to deal with needles. They come in a variety of sizes and colors, but white or light green are the most popular choices. Pinecones also look great when they’re decorated with lights and other decorations.

2. Flowers

Flowers can be used as flower arrangements around your home or as additions to your Christmas tree. If you have a flower garden, consider using pine branches in addition to real flowers like roses or poinsettias.

3. Burlap Sacks

Burlap sacks make excellent Christmas trees because they’re easy to store away after the holidays are over and they don’t need any maintenance once they’re put together. You can get burlap sacks from most craft stores or buy them online if you want something more realistic-looking than a typical burlap bag. For added decorations, use ribbon bows and sticks for branches instead of using twigs from real trees.

4. Artificial tree

These are made from real branches and can be hung on a wall or placed on a table. They’re easy to assemble, clean and store and come with lights that plug into an electric outlet. You can buy them at most major retailers or on Amazon.

5. Artificial wreath

Wreaths are great for the holidays, and they can be used year round as well. They come in many shapes and sizes, including traditional round ones that can be hung from your door or above your fireplace. Some come with lights already built in so you don’t need to worry about finding replacements when it comes time to decorate them again next year (or later this month).

6. Realistic-looking fake trees

The best way to get a tree that looks like the real thing without having to deal with needles falling all over your house is to buy a realistic-looking fake tree. You can find these at many retailers, as well as online. The best part about them is that they will last for years and don’t require any maintenance after you set them up. Plus, they look just like real trees so you won’t have to worry about anyone suspecting they’re not authentic.

7. Tree skirts

Tree skirts come in many different shapes and sizes so you can find one that fits your needs perfectly. They also come in different materials so you can choose one that matches your decorating style perfectly. For example, if your home has white walls and neutral colors throughout then go with a white tree skirt or if you want something more colorful then opt for something with more color such as reds or greens.